Hippocrites is a short film that tells the story of a broken oath in reproductive health. The story starts with a young doctor reciting the Hippocratic Oath during his medical school graduation somewhere in the 1990´s Texas, as well as with a young woman named Rosie living in todays post Roe world. Rosies just learned she's pregnant.
As the story unfolds, both face the very challenging situation of access to reproductive care being restricted or banned. The film shines a spotlight on how doctos are being forced to break the oath the solemnly swore to uphold and on how women's health and lives are increasingly at risk.
It´s time to stop the Hippocrisy.
To learn more about these critical issues and advocate for a future where doctors can honor their commitment to patient care without compromise, visit https://nomorehippocrites.com/
Official release date | June 24, 2024.
Directed by Julieta Casalia and Lucía Valdemoros
Written by: Ivan Blotta, Billy Custer
Produced by: Christian Pollock
Music by: David Bessler
Costume Designer: Alejandra Salinas
Made with fiery grit by: Rebolucion, Antidoto 56